
Academic and General Institutional Scholarships
Clarendon College awards a number of academic and general institutional scholarships. To apply for an academic scholarship a student should have a GPA of 3.0 or better (on a 4.0 scale). Interested students should submit a scholarship application accompanied by two letters of reference and a copy of the most recent high school transcript and/ or college transcript. Applications are available through the Office of Financial Aid.
Activity/Departmental Scholarships
Scholarship awards are made by the director of each individual program.
Athletic Scholarships
An athletic scholarship may be awarded to any student-athlete in recognition of his/her athletic ability for the following sports: men’s and women’s basketball, rodeo, ranch horse, men’s baseball, women’s softball, women’s volleyball.
Athletic Grants-in-aid are awarded by head coach of the sport. Initial awards amounts are determined by the head coach but may be limited or reduced due to aid determination. Student athletes must be regularly admitted students and must meet all eligibility and ranking criteria as set forth in the College Catalog. Student athletes must complete a FAFSA or TASFA (if applicable) and have a Student Aid Report on file at the College. All official transcripts must be submitted to Clarendon College before any Title IV aid is awarded.
Judging Scholarships
Clarendon College features livestock, meats and equine judging teams. Scholarships are awarded by the head coach but may be limited or reduced due to aid determinations. Student must be regularly admitted students and must meet all eligibility requirements. A FAFSA or TASFA must be completed and a Student Aid Report must be on file at Clarendon College.
Named and endowed scholarships may be based on academic achievement, need, and/or other requirements as stipulated by the scholarship donor. For more information on the individual scholarships listed below and/or to receive an application, please see the Clarendon College website. CC scholarships and other financial aid will be awarded through the Office of Financial Aid.
The following named or endowed scholarships are available at Clarendon College:
Pat Steinbrugge Memorial Scholarship – Available to two students per semester. Recipients
must be a high school graduate with 3.0 GPA on 4.0 scale, must be
considered financially needy, reside within 80 miles of Clarendon, and
enroll full-time.
Malouf and Iris Abraham Business Scholarship - Available to students attending Clarendon College and majoring in business.
Elba S. Ballew Memorial Scholarship - Awarded to students in the Agriculture Department.
Edith Ballew Memorial Scholarship - Available to students attending Clarendon College who are majoring in Education. Award criteria includes academic excellence and financial need.
Barnes Trust Scholarship - Available to students attending Clarendon College who have been diagnosed with dyslexia.
M. K. Brown Endowed Scholarship - Awarded to Gray County students.
Carson County Waiver for Dual Credit- Open to any student taking dual credit courses at a Carson County high school through Clarendon College.
Dusty E. Burleson Memorial Scholarship - Available to students attending Clarendon College and enrolled in the Ranch and Feedlot Operations Program.
Kirk Robert Burns Endowed Scholarship Fund - To be awarded to a student in the Ranch and Feedlot Operation Program.
Clarendon College General Scholarship Fund - To be awarded to any deserving student in need of financial aid.
Clarendon Outdoor Entertainment Association - Available to a student exhibiting ability, personal character, and financial need.
Cultural Affairs Scholarship - Available to students attending Clarendon College in the Fine Arts Department (Art, Drama, and Music).
Development Endowment Scholarship - Available to all students (in any field of study) attending Clarendon College.
Dr. Charles E. Deyhle, Sr. Scholarship - Available to full-time students attending Clarendon College who have an agriculture background and who have maintained a “B” average in high school. The recipient must also reside in a college residence hall.
Donley County Waiver for Dual Credit– Open to any Donley county resident who is enrolled in dual credit courses. These students will pay for 3 Semester Credit Hours of face to face tuition per semester and Clarendon College will waive any hours greater than that in a semester.
Donley County Tuition Cap– Open to any Donley County resident who is taking courses at Clarendon College. These students will have their tuition capped at 12 semester credit hours per semester. Any hours above 12 will be covered by a waiver.
Judge R. E. Drennan Memorial Scholarship - Awarded to a Clarendon College student who exhibits the high ideals for which Judge Drennan was known.
Homer Estlack Memorial Scholarship - Available to Clarendon HS student exhibiting academic ability, personal character, and financial need.
Explorer Scouts Scholarship - Available to an Eagle Scout from Donley County who attends Clarendon College.
Ex-Students Julia Dean Endowed Scholarship Fund - Awarded on the basis of academic excellence and financial need to students attending Clarendon College.
Joe Harlan Memorial Scholarship - Available to students (in any field of study) attending Clarendon College.
Harrington Regional Medical Campus (HRMC) Scholarship Grant Program – Available for area students and professionals pursuing health care related education who demonstrate a commitment to locate in the region and contribute to area communities.
Jewel Austin Houston Memorial Scholarship – Available to two students each year. Recipients must have a GPA of 2.8 on a 4.0 scale at the time of application and must enroll full-time.
Lamar Jackson Walker and Eula Jackson Scholarship - Available to students attending Clarendon College who are enrolled in business, fine arts, and/or general academics.
J. Royce Lummus Endowed Scholarship Fund - To be awarded to a pre-science/pre-engineering student in need of financial assistance. The student must maintain a 3.00 GPA.
R.C. and Agnes Johnson Scholarship - Available to high school graduates who are of good character and ability, demonstrating a true desire to obtain an education beyond the high school level. Preference is given to students from Dallam, TX and Hartley, TX counties.
Clarendon Masonic Lodge - To be awarded to a graduate of Clarendon or Hedley High Schools.
Memorial Scholarship Fund - Available to all students (in any major) attending Clarendon College.
McConnell Farm Scholarship - To be awarded to deserving students of Carson County.
Camille Mann Miller Endowed Scholarship Fund - To be awarded to students in the Ranch and Feedlot Operations Program.
Mongole Sisters Estate Scholarship - Awarded on the basis of academic excellence and financial need.
Ray and June Palmer Memorial Scholarship - A presidential scholarship to be awarded to an outstanding student, regardless of the field of study.
Julie Papa Memorial Scholarship – Available to students attending Clarendon College who are enrolled in the Vocational Nursing Program.
Parker - Warner Scholarship - Available to students attending Clarendon College majoring in the field of science or science education.
Max Payne Memorial Scholarship - available to students in the Ranch and Feedlot Operations Program.
Frank and Wanda Phelan Advise and Consult Fund - Available to students in the Fine Arts Division (Art, Drama, and Music). The student must maintain a 2.50 GPA.
President’s Scholarship– Available to full-time students who reside in on-campus housing. Recipients must maintain a 2.0 GPA and complete 12 hours per semester to continue receiving this scholarship.
Ranch & Feedlot Operations Scholarship - Available to a RFO student exhibiting ability, personal character, and financial need.
R.W. and Clara Schaefer Memorial Scholarship - Available to students attending Clarendon College and majoring in agriculture.
Tex Selvidge Memorial Scholarship - Available to students attending Clarendon College. Must be enrolled full time, must have a 2.0 or higher, and have financial need.
Dean and Clara Simon Memorial Scholarship – Available to freshman students entering Clarendon College who were in the top 5 percent of their graduating class, who demonstrate economic need, and who are an established Texas resident. The scholarship can only be used for tuition, fees, and books for the fall and spring semesters. Requirements for a continuing award through the sophomore year at Clarendon College includes maintaining full-time status and a 3.5 grade point average.
Don Smith Endowed Scholarship - Available to students attending Clarendon College majoring in mathematics.
AEP - Southwestern Electric Power Company Scholarship - Available to students attending the Clarendon College Childress Center who have been accepted into either the Vocational Nursing or Associate Degree Nursing – Bridge program.
J. N. and Velma Weaver Endowed Scholarship - Available to students (in any field of study) attending Clarendon College.
Kenneth D. Vaughan Memorial Scholarship - Available to a student exhibiting academic ability, personal character and need.
Weatherly & Vincent Family Endowed Scholarship- Available to a high school graduate with a B average. Declared major in Ranch and Feedlot Operations or Agriculture. Resident of Texas, New Mexico, or Oklahoma. Full-time student. Donors request to be involved in selection of recipient.
David Wiese Endowed Memorial Scholarship - Available to students attending Clarendon College and majoring in business or accounting.
Malouf and Iris Abraham Agriculture Scholarship Fund - Available to agriculture majors from the Texas Panhandle counties of Hemphill, Lipscomb, Ochiltree, Wheeler, Roberts, and/or Gray counties.
American Electric Power Service Corp Scholarship Available to AEP electric service customers and/or their children attending Clarendon College. Scholarships are awarded at the discretion of the Clarendon College Scholarship Committee. The student must maintain a 2.50 GPA.
Ross Harwood Beville Memorial Endowment - Awarded on the basis of academic excellence and financial need.
Brainard Family Memorial Scholarship - Available to a high school graduate with a B average. Declared major in Ranch and Feedlot Operations or Agriculture. Texas resident. Full-time student.
J.R. & Hazel Cole Brandon Memorial Fund - Available at the discretion of the Clarendon College Foundation Board of Directors.
Jim Burkhart Endowed Scholarship - Available to a high school graduate with a B average. Major in Ranch and Feedlot Operations. Full-time student at Clarendon College and a resident of New Mexico, Texas, or Oklahoma. Selection of scholarship to be at the discretion of the RFO instructor(s).
Clarendon College Foundation General Scholarship Fund - Available to students attending Clarendon College. Scholarships are awarded at the discretion of the Clarendon College Scholarship Committee.
Anna H. Dirkson Memorial Scholarship - Available to students attending classes at the Clarendon College Pampa Center.
David Guill Memorial Scholarship - Available to students in the Ranch and Feedlot Operations Program.
Raymond W. Harrah, Sr. Endowment - Awarded on the basis of academic excellence and financial need.
Hurn - Cox Scholarship - Available to outstanding students in the Fine Arts Division (Art, Drama, Music).
Margaret Leftwich Scholarship Endowment - Awarded to outstanding students attending Clarendon College.
Panhandle Livestock Association Scholarship - Available to students in the Ranch and Feedlot Operations Program.
Gene and Janet Smith Endowed Scholarship - May be awarded to students attending Clarendon College.
Claude and Eddith Spivey Memorial Scholarship - Available to students from Armstrong, Donley, and/or Hall counties in any department, except athletics.
Seibert and Frances Worley Endowment - May be awarded to students attending Clarendon College in any department or major.
Contact Leah James if you have questions pertaining to scholarships.
Phone: (806)874-4838
Clarendon Campus - Clarendon, Texas
PO Box 968 | Clarendon, TX 79226
Leah James
Director of Financial Aid
Stormy McAnear
Financial Aid Assistant
806-874-4810 phone
806-874-1488 fax
Pampa Center - Pampa, Texas
1601 West Kentucky | Pampa, Texas 79065
Hayley Canales
Financial Aid Assistant Veterans & Military Service Specialist
940-660-2005 phone
806-665-0444 fax
Childress Center - Childress, Texas
1902 Ave G NW Ste. 1 | Childress, TX 79201
Tessa Hoffman
Financial Aid Assistant Administrative Assistant
940-938-7145 phone
806-874-1569 fax